Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Money makes the world go around?

This is a quick post today because I have decided to really attack my book writing with a purpose. I am dedicating 4 hours a day to it and it's almost time for me to go to work. Tomorrow I have to get up earlier so I can get my "other jobs" done before 10 am which is to be my starting time for writing.

So here goes....

"If you could be guaranteed one thing in life, BESIDES MONEY, what would it be?"

Now, really think about this question. I know at first thought you might say, health or love. But think about all the possibilities! I guess your choice will, very much, depend on your circumstances which leads me to this quote from my daily calendar...

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other with us in our minds wherever we go." - Martha Washington

So with that in mind, I pick "contentment." I would love to always have contentment in my life and never a yearning for something more or different or easier....that's, of course, since I can't have buckets of money!!!!

I wish you all a "contented" day!

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